How to get Certificate of Telecommunication & Terminal Equipment Installer?
In order to install quality telecom equipment or telecommunication wiring, the Telecommunication & Terminal Equipment Installer is required to register and ensure a minimum standard of qualification is possessed. Whereas all the installation has to be laid through a Certified Telecommunication & Terminal Equipment Installer.
What is Telecommunication Equipment?
Telecommunication Equipment are the devices, cables, hardware, software and other tools in the shape of hardware and software, used for exchanging information etc.n connected with the telecommunication system.
What is Terminal Equipment?
Terminal Equipment are the devices or apparatus connected with the network terminal point (which ends a telecommunication link and it is the point at which signal enters or leaves). Examples of Terminal Equipment are telephone, fax machine etc.
Telecommunication and terminal equipment installers must possess the minimum standard of qualification to install quality telecom equipment which enables the occupier of premises with uninterrupted access as mentioned in the rules.
In order to install telecom equipment at designated premises, installer must obtain a certificate from the authority by filing a written application along with prescribed fee. The authority will review the application by considering several factors of qualification and experience. Afterwards the authority may grant a certificate which is valid for 5 years.
● A licensed telecom operator shall not provide services at the premises where the telecom equipment is not installed by a Certified Telecommunication & Terminal Equipment Installer.
● A licensed telecom operator is required to obtain a Certificate from the Authority if any equipment is required to be installed.
● The NTP (Network Termination Point) shall be fixed securely at the closest customer’s premises from the outside plant.
● The licensed telecom operator shall maintain all the NTP installation and termination records.
A Certified Telecommunication & Terminal Equipment Installer shall be responsible of the following:
● Wiring should be as per international standards.
● Wiring should be properly terminated at Network Termination Point.
● When a telecom cabling is placed alongside an AC electrical power cable inside a wall space.
● When there is a requirement for the telecom cable for voice, data and video to cross the power cable it shall always cross at right angle.
● The voltage should not be injurious to occupants to occupants, it should be safe and secure.
● General environment requirements should be adhered to.
● To execute a written agreement with the premises owner after completion of installation work.
● An application for the grant of Certificate shall be made to the Authority in prescribed form along with the fee.
● On the receipt of the application for the grant of certificate, the Authority shall examine the application in compliance with the following factors:
● Upon satisfactory evaluation of the application in all aspects, the Authority shall grant the certificate within 20 days for carrying out telecom and terminal equipment installation.
● If application is found incomplete the applicant shall inform within 10 days.
● The authority shall allocate a unique certificate number to each Certified Telecom and Terminal Equipment Installer
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