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Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) | The Case LawyerLegal Services for DMCA Notice and Takedown in Pakistan

DMCA in Pakistan

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act or DMCA was enacted into law in the late 1990s when the commercially available internet was still fairly new. This law addresses copyright infringment related to digital content which was written to achieve several purposes but the overall goal was to address online copyright infringement in a way that balances the interests of copyright owners, online service providers and Internet users.

To protect copyright owners from infringement of their works, the DMCA allows them to ask website administrators to remove infringing material quickly without having to resort to litigation. This is also applicable in Pakistan and also a civil claim may be filed against infrigement and violation of copyrights.

Our Legal Services for DMCA

✅ Plan of Action, Legal Advice & Consultation Service for DMCA against pirated and counterfeit content.

✅ Start by searching and short-listing all the websites with the content that has been pirated, using all the web search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, Yandex, & others.

✅ De-index or remove all those websites/urls from the above-mentioned search engines.

✅ Report directly to the infringing site and the hosting provider of the infringing website by sending a DMCA Takedown Notice.

✅ Takedown content over social media platforms, video-sharing websites, and clouds like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Dailymotion, VK, Youku, 4shared, Vimeo, Google-drive, blogspot, telegram etc.

✅ Complete Legal Advice & Consultation Service.

✅ Plan of Action against content infringement and protection.

✅ DMCA takedown notice writing, filing and proceeding.

✅ DMCA Counter Notice drafting and filing

✅ DMCA Vigilance & Monitoring Service.

✅ DMCA Registration, Badge & Certification.

✅ Court Litigation & Arbitration.

To protect service providers whose users may post or distribute infringing content on their platforms, the DMCA shields them from liability for copyright infringement if they promptly remove the infringing material upon receiving a takedown notice from the copyright owner.

This liability shield is often referred to as the safe harbor and to protect users. The DMCA provides a mechanism for restoring content that was taken down in error.

This putback procedure recognizes that platform users are also often creators of new works themselves.

This DMCA notice and takedown process is correctly applied when the users of a particular site or service are uploading infringing material and not when the site administrator itself is doing so. For example, when a copyright infringement occurs on a news site blog or business website the copyright owner should typically contact the administrator directly rather than sending a DMCA takedown notice.

On the other hand when copyright infringement occurs on a website where users are uploading or distributing copyrighted works like social media, e-commerce or discussion sites.

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Office No. 25, First Floor of Al-Inayat Mall, G-11 Markaz, Islamabad - 44000 Pakistan
+92 (313) 545 6596
Mon to Sat: 09:00 AM – 10:00 PM

How to submit a DMCA takedown notice?

DMCA Notice and Takedown Procedure

A DMCA takedown notice is like a formal request sent to an online platform to remove content that’s using someone else’s work without permission. It’s a way to protect copyright owners’ rights on the internet. When someone creates something like a song, video, or artwork, they own the rights to it, and if others use it without permission, they can send a takedown notice to have it removed. Following are the steps for submitting DMCA takedown notice;

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5

Identify Infringement

First step is to identify the infringement. Take time to clearly identify the copyrighted material that has been used without your permission. This could be a song, artwork, video, or any content you own the rights to.

Collect Evidence

After identifying the infringement, you must collect the proofs. When collecting evidence, make sure to gather as much detail as possible. This can include screenshots showing the infringement, URLs where the content is posted, timestamps of when the infringement occurred, and any other relevant information that proves your ownership.

Prepare Takedown Notice

Once all the evidence are collected then it comes to the drafting of DMCA takedown notice. When drafting the takedown notice, make sure to include all the required elements. Provide your contact information, specify the exact location of the infringing content (such as the URL), and clearly state that you own the copyright to the material.

Submit Notice

Every platform has its own procedure for example Google, Amazon, Bing, Ebay, Etsy, Yahoo provides a mechanism to submit and follow DMCA takedown requests.  It’s important to follow the specific procedures of the service provider or platform where the infringement is taking place. Make sure to submit the takedown notice through the designated channels or contact points provided by the platform.

Monitor and Follow Up

After submitting the notice, keep tracking the application and the content which was infringed. If the infringing content is not removed promptly, consider following up with the service provider to ensure compliance with the DMCA takedown request.

DMCA Notice Requirements

Following are few requirements that must be ensured for a DMCA takedown notice:

✅ You need to clearly identify the copyrighted work that is being infringed.

✅ Provide the URL or location of the infringing material on the internet.

✅ Include your contact information, like your name, address, phone number, and email address.

✅ State that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

✅ Declare under penalty of perjury that the information in your notice is accurate.

✅ Sign the notice either physically or electronically.

✅ Include a statement that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

✅ Specify the location and date of the original work’s publication.

✅ Provide a statement that you have not granted permission for the infringing use.

✅ Mention that you understand the consequences of making false claims in the takedown notice.

✅ Specify the jurisdiction where the copyright claim is valid.

✅ Include a statement that you are acting in good faith.

✅ State that the information in the notice is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

✅ Provide a description of the copyrighted work.

✅ Explain how the copyrighted work is being infringed.

✅ Mention that you understand the notice may be forwarded to the alleged infringer.

✅ Specify the exact location of the infringing material on the website.

DMCA Counter Notice Requirements

Here are the few requirements to include in a DMCA Counter Notice to effectively challenge a takedown complaint.

✅ Identify the material that was removed or disabled.

✅ Provide the location where the material appeared before it was removed.

✅ Include your name, address, phone number, and consent to jurisdiction.

✅ State that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal district court for your address.

✅ Confirm that you will accept service of process from the person who provided the original takedown notice.

✅ Include a statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed by mistake or misidentification.

✅ Provide a physical or electronic signature.

✅ Specify the date of your counter notice.

✅ Include a statement that you understand the potential consequences of perjury for making false claims.

✅ Indicate that whether if you are the subscriber or the material’s owner.

✅ State that you have not granted permission for the use of the material.

✅ Acknowledge that a copy of the counter notice will be sent to the original complainant.

✅ Include a statement that you believe in good faith that the material was removed or disabled erroneously.

✅ Provide a description of the material that was removed.

✅ Explain how the material was misidentified or mistakenly taken down.

✅ State that you believe the material was taken down due to a mistake or misidentification.

✅ Confirm that you understand that your counter notice may be shared with the original complainant.

Frequently Asked Question

How does the takedown process work?

You should locate the DMCA link on the providers platform where you will find instructions and the providers own form for submitting a takedown request. If you can’t find the provider’s takedown form, we may help you locate it. If the site administrator does not provide its own form, you will need to draft and send your own DMCA takedown notice and when the service provider receives your takedown request they will usually remove the infringing content within a few days and no further action is needed.

In most cases the service provider will notify the user who posted your material about the takedown notice before removing the infringing content.

The turnaround time between the sending of a notice and removal of the material will vary depending on the site’s internal practices. If the user believes the takedown notice was filed in error, they may send a counter notice to the service provider requesting that the material be reposted and if a valid counter notice is filed, the service provider will notify you and send you a copy of the counter notice and restore the material to the platform within 10 to 14 days unless you provide proof that you’ve taken legal action against the user prior to the material being reposted.

What are the DMCA Takedown Notice Guidelines?

Before sending a DMCA takedown notice, here are some guidelines you should know.

  1. First, the DMCA takedown process should never be used to remove material that is not infringing on a copyrighted work that you own or legally represent. For example you may have legal recourse against material that is embarrassing, harassing or critical but the DMCA does not apply.
  2. Second, only the copyright owner or the owner’s legal representative may send a takedown notice regarding a specific infringement of a work they legally own or represent. Use of the takedown procedure by anyone who is not the owner or owner’s representative is improper and may be subject to legal action.
  3. Third, a copyrighted work does not need to be registered with the US Copyright Office in order to use the DMCA takedown process.
  4. Fourth, before sending a takedown notice you should consider whether fair use or any other exception might apply and would permit the use. The DMCA takedown process should not be used as a tool to silence commentary that is permitted by fair use. For example you should think twice before sending a DMCA notice to take down a content that includes a portion of your work. For the purpose of criticizing it in many circumstances we suggest that you consider whether it may be easier or wiser to contact the user of your work directly rather than send a takedown notice. This is especially true when the user is a fellow creator or a fan. For example you may be fine with the use if slight changes are applied or the user credits you is the author and this may be best accomplished through direct contact if possible rather than a takedown notice.
  5. Another consideration is that the DMCA notice and takedown process can be time-consuming or may cause ill-will because of this you may want to monitor and consider how your works are being used in each circumstance and to prioritize notice sending based on the infringing uses most likely to cause harm. There is no absolute rule that applies to every creator so we encourage creators to consider their needs and resources and to develop a DMCA strategy that works for them.
What are the requirements for sending a DMCA Takedown Notice?

Most internet providers have a page on their site where you may find instructions and the provider’s own form for submitting a DMCA takedown request. If you can’t find the provider’s takedown form then we may help you to locate it.

If the site does not provide its own form you will need to draft and send your own DMCA takedown request to find out where to send a takedown notice.

The US Copyright Office website hosts a DMCA Agent Directory where you can find the contact information for the service providers designated DMCA Agent the designated agent is the party to whom all notices for a given service provider must be sent.

The DMCA takedown notice should include the following information:

  1. A clear identification of the work that has been infringed.
  2. A description of the infringing activity and a link to the infringing file.
  3. Your contact information and signature.
  4. A statement of good faith indicating your belief that an infringement has in fact occurred for a statement that all information provided is accurate and that under penalty of perjury you are authorized to file the notice.
What are the essentials for responding to a takedown notice or submitting counter notice?

What happens if you receive a takedown notice for your own content or if you believe that you did not infringe on the notice sender’s work?

  1. First, don’t panic because in nearly all cases a takedown notice is not a prelude to a lawsuit. The copyright owner simply wants the material removed from the platform but it’s also a good idea to confirm that the notice has been properly filed or not.
  2. Second, you should review the notice to confirm that it includes the correct information as stated above.
  3. Third, you should confirm that the notice sender is either the copyright owner or a legal representative like a law firm publisher or a rights management organization acting on behalf of the copyright owner.
  4. Fourth, if you are a fellow creator you should do an honest assessment of the likelihood that the use was in fact infringing or consider whether there is some other legal reason you may be allowed to use the work such as it being a fair use or a work license by the platform but this honest assessment goes both ways and you should acknowledge when the use may likely be infringing before responding to the takedown notice.
  5. Fifth, if the takedown notice contains an error or if you firmly believe that a fair use has been made then filing a counter notice may be the right response but you should seriously way both the merits and the importance of the use because a counter notice can trigger legal action if the copyright owner feels strongly that an infringement does exist.
  6. Sixth, most service providers have repeat infringer policies that will terminate a user’s account if they are the subject of too many unchallenged takedown requests. Therefore if this is not the first takedown request you have received, you may want to consider the possibility that your account may be terminated if you do not file a counter notice provided of course that the counter notice is justified if no counter notice is sent. This service provider will remove the material at issue and no further action is needed.
What are the elements of a DMCA Counter Notice?

If the content you uploaded is subject of a takedown request that you believe was made in error, you may decide to file a DMCA counter notice to have the content re-posted.

The counter notice should be sent to the service provider and when the service provider notifies you about the DMCA takedown request, they may also provide you with instructions for filing a counter notice, including where to send the counter notice.

If the service provider does not provide this information, you can find out where to send a counter notice by accessing DMCA Designated Agent Directory located in the U.S. Copyright Office Website.

The Designated Agent is a party to whom all takedown notices and counter notices for a given service provider must be sent.

The counter notice should include the following information:

  • A description of the alleged infringing activity and a link of its location on the website.
  • A statement of a good faith and under penalty of perjury, indicating your belief that the material was removed by mistake.
  • Your contact information and signature.
  • A statement of consent to jurisdiction of the court in the district of the copyright owner.
Is DMCA international?

Yes, the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) is a United States copyright law that addresses copyright issues related to digital content. While the DMCA itself is a U.S. law, its impact extends beyond U.S. borders due to the global nature of the internet and digital content. Many countries have adopted similar provisions in their own copyright laws to align with aspects of the DMCA. Furthermore, international treaties and agreements, such as the WIPO Copyright Treaty, help facilitate cooperation and consistency in copyright protection across different countries.

What happens if you get a DMCA notice?

If you receive a DMCA notice, it means that someone has claimed that your content infringes their copyright. You should take the notice seriously and consider your options. You may need to remove the infringing content or respond with a counter notice if you believe the claim is incorrect. You must follow the procedures outlined in the DMCA to address the issue properly.

What does a DMCA takedown do?

A DMCA takedown notice is a warning or intimation alert on the internet against the infringement of copyrighted digital content. When someone sends a DMCA takedown notice, they’re basically saying that they believe their copyright is being infringed upon by certain content. The takedown notice requests the removal of the infringing material from a website or online platform. It’s a way for copyright holders to protect their work online and enforce their rights. If you’re on the receiving end of a DMCA takedown notice, you’ll need to remove the content in question to comply with the law.

Who is authorised to send a DMCA takedown notice?

Anyone who believes their copyright is being infringed upon or his authorized representative can send a DMCA takedown notice. This includes individuals, companies, or organizations that hold the rights to the copyrighted material.


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"It would be appropriate for you to consult with us before forwarding any DMCA takedown request or DMCA counter notice because it may cause trouble if anything is made incorrect.”

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